How to Create a Facebook Phishing Page ?

How to Create a Facebook Phishing Page?

Phishing is the process of making a website that looks like another website. Phishing is a type of attack in which the attackers try to get your personal information, such as passwords, credit card numbers, or any other information, by making it look like they are trustworthy people.

Phishing is a type of attack in which the attacker tries to get your personal information, such as passwords, credit card numbers, and any other information, by making it look like they are trustworthy.

You see the word “phishing” and immediately conjure up an image of someone who is trying to steal your identity and money. But let’s dispel that notion right now: Most people don’t fall prey to phishing scams unless they weren’t careful enough.

That being said, if you want to create a Facebook Phishing Page then there are some steps you can take that will help you get started on this exciting endeavour.

Steps to Create Facebook Phishing Page: 

  • Open the sign-in page for Facebook in your browser.
  • To find the source code, press Ctrl+U.
  • Make a PHP file called index.php and paste the whole source code into it.
  • Now, search for string methode=”POST.” It will give you two results, one for login and one for registering.
  • Next, change the “xyz.php” in the login form to a different file name.
  • Now, make a file called “xyz.php” and another called “log.txt,” and put the code below in “xyz.php.”

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